THCA & Temple Hills

Our Legacy and Future Direction

THCA was founded in 1973 and incorporated as non- profit in 1975. The newsletter was published monthly in early years, then quarterly, and now three times yearly. The Steering Committee is organized around people who have a task, and it works collec- tively (the coordinator, secretary, and treasurer names are filed with the State). Most business is conducted by email. There is an annual meeting to meet state requirements of incorporation and a party. The Board of Directors is based on members of the various com- mittees at the time of the annual meeting, but THCA functions as a steering committee and a coordinating committee of active persons representing different activities that may meet when needed. Formal minutes of meetings are kept. THCA archives are now held at UC Irvine Special Collections (newsletters, minutes, correspondence, key issues, and so on).

MEMBERSHIP (Download the THCA Membership Coupon)

All residents (owners and renters) can become members and may attend meetings. Dues-paying members comprise our core, normally 100-150 homes.  Meetings are one, two or three times yearly.


There are six groups with geographical boundaries extending from Top of World down to Wilson and over to St. Ann’s Dr. by the high school. Membership includes homes on Oak Street and Brooks Street as well as North Laguna and Top of World. Groups meet as needed and have not been active recently. When an issue appears in an area, a group may form to deal with it. Or a committee may focus on a project or concern.


  • Origins in 1973-1974 Park Canyon. Projected development of 36 homes (THCA founded around this issue). The project was defeated, but an out-of-court settlement by the City resulted in five homes along Donna Drive.
  • Park Canyon (Extension of Thurston). Proposed subdivision has come before the community and the City a half dozen times, the last time about three years ago (defeated 5-0 in Planning Commission, 5-0 City Council (approximately 50 to 60 persons involved)
  • Specific Plan (1974 to 1975). Roughly 100 persons participated (see Pedestrian Map to the left)
  • Undergrounding (1975 to 1976). Defeated by City Council vote despite 67 percent of residents favoring an assessment district, then revived for large part of the hill in the 1980s and approved; Rimrock, Cerritos, Terrace Way, and Dunning completed recently
  • Parking Standards on side streets (THCA coordinated with residents on streets).
  • Pedestrian Pathways: historical pathways (committee since 1998 to present); construction of walkway lower Temple Hills (roughly 50 persons involved)
  • Open Space Acquisition: conservation buyers approached, City and Temple Hills negotiations to purchase privately owned open space. THCA part of Open Space Initiative.
  • Evacuation and Neighborhood Watch Plan (rudimentary — needs to be developed, pathways a part of this effort)
  • Forums for political candidates. We used to do this at homes on the hill. Now held at City Council Chambers with Top of World and the South Laguna Civic Association
  • Design Review Controversies. Our policy is to bring neighbors together to resolve differences at the local level.