Steering Committee


Judith Anderson — Social
Steve Baker — Group 1
Bob Borthwick* — Planning
Fran Chilcote* — Secretary and Membership
Ron Chilcote* — Coordinator and Newsletter
Jamie and Stephen Crawford — School Issues
Anne Frank* — Newsletter/Archive/Group 6
Ron Hirsch — Neighborhood projects
Becky Jones — Planning & Neighborhood Groups
Rob and Melissa Lane  — Annual Party
Charlotte Masarik — Village Issues
Carol Nilson* — Transportation
Carol Olson — Walkways
Patti Oshlund — Group 5
David Raber* — Website & Group 4
Verna Rollinger* — City Affiars
Lorna Shaw* — Membership and Group 2
Anne Stringer* — Treasurer and Membership
Dave and Joanne Trotter — Groups 3 & 4
John Walker — Group 5
Robin Walker — Design Review and Party Com
*Board Members

Honorary Members
Recognized for long-term service and commitment to Temple Hills

Joe Baker
Jan Hall
Jim Hall
Doug and Rhonda Kinn
Ben Teschner
Mary Lou Teschner
Kurt Topik
Dave Walker
Estelle Warner
Grant Wetzel
Marian Whitney

Neighborhood Groups
Temple Hills is broken into six neighborhood areas.
Group Leaders focus on issues and problems if and when they occur.